Hangry & Angry in London ~Signing 25/05/10

So todays the day I meet Yossie and Rika aka Hangry & Angry for the first time and I am very excited =D. I left my house around 5:30pm and got to Picadilly Circu, Trocadero  around 6:20pm. I went into the Tokyotoys store and asked one of the staffs behind the counter for a wristband I thought that they had ran out of the pink ones and would end up get getting a silver one which would of been the 7:30pm wristbands, but luckily there were still more pink wristbands. However I was still not set yet.

I didn’t know that they were selling goods at the signing (silly me didn’t carry any money) luckily my nan was there so she gave me £10 and got  myself  a photoset of Hangry & Angry which were £5 each for two pics in one plastic packet. Now I was set for the signing lol xD. Not only did I see Himalia but I also met some cool friends while there especially Norika from H!O. We were waiting in front of the line and finally it was 7:00pm we was told to go in wait in the store and then we started cheering and wooing Hangry & Angry are finally here we at the front started peeking through the TokyoToys items and could see yossie and Rika.

We started shouting Yossie!!! Rika!!! and thus the signing began. I got so nervous my heart started beating fast lol first up yossie I said Nice to meet you to her in Japanese and she smiled and said arigatou I couldn’t stop staring at her lol xD then it was Rika she looked so amazingly cute you could squeeze her lol. I also said Nice to meet you to her in Japanese she looked at me and smiled and after that I said Daisuki Dayo and she smiled at me again and said arigatou in a cute way *squeals*. I was shocked that I finally saw Yossie and Rika and the thing is, they were behind the counter so they were really close to us Yossie is really tall O_O Rika is just about my height but a little bit taller like up to my ear lol. Now if that Morning Musume behind the counter and I was getting my items signed by Niigaki Risa and JunJun I would literally faint lol xD. I left the TokyoToys store with a fat smile on my face lmao and was happy to see Hangry & Angry

Next up Hangry & Angry in London ~Concert 27/05/10

My autogpraph

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